Gramin Technical and Management Campus, Vishnupuri, Nanded, Maharashtra 431606

Gramin Technical and Management Campus, Vishnupuri, Nanded, Maharashtra 431606

Placement Report of 2022-23 – A Year That Added A New Milestone In The History Of GTMC

GRAMIN TECHNICAL & MANAGEMENT CAMPUS has become the most preferred education institution to recruit and spot the best talents in Nanded, and start up hub of Marathwada. The Institute has a rich legacy of more than 36 Years of providing the best of quality education across Diploma, Engineering, Management, Food Science and Biological Sciences Programs.

The placement graphs and the preference by our recruiting partners are evident by the ever growing acceptance of GTMC by the industry on the credentials of our Institutional excellence in education and transforming young mind’s dream to a reality. We have set a new milestone erased our own benchmark in our Campus Placements in 2022-23

Placements by Industry Break up

  • GTMC has seen more than 30 companies from varied Technical verticals, visit our campus as a part of the Placement Offers
  • More than 80% of the eligible students were get hired,

The Highlights of the Placement Offers for the Year 2022-23

Increasing Presence of Large scale Companies at GTMC :

  • Aadani electricals Mumbai, HCL Technologies Nagpur, Bajaj Limited Pune, Griefo Technologies Bhubaneswar, Suroj Buildcon Pune, John Deere Pune, Breaks India Pvt. Ltd Pune – recruited our diploma holders, with highest package.
  • Gramin Technical & Management Campus takes great pride in the achievements and academic success of our students in Placement 2021 -22 and wishes all its students great start for their professional careers.
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