Gramin Technical and Management Campus, Vishnupuri, Nanded, Maharashtra 431606

Gramin Technical and Management Campus, Vishnupuri, Nanded, Maharashtra 431606

About NSS

Gramin Technical & Management Campus has an active National Service Scheme (NSS) Unit with 100 volunteers. It covers several aspects like adoption of villages & Urban slums for intensive development work, carrying out the medico-social surveys, programmes of mass immunization, sanitation drives, adult education programmes for the weaker sections of the community, blood donation, helping patients in hospitals, helping inmates of orphanages and the physically handicapped etc. NSS volunteers render commendable relief work during natural calamities/emergencies such as floods, pandemic etc. The NSS students also do useful work in organizing campaigns for eradication of social evils, and popularization of the nationally accepted objectives like nationalism, democracy, secularism, social harmony and development of scientific temper.

The main objectives of National Service Scheme (NSS) are :

i. understand the community in which they work
ii. understand themselves in relation to their community
iii. identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in 
iv. develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility
v. utilise their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and 
community problems
vi. develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities
vii. gain skills in mobilising community participation
viii. acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes
ix. develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and
x. practice national integration and social harmony.
NSS Motto 
Not Me But You 

List of NSS Programme officer

Programme officer             
Co –Programme  Officer                  
Dr. Darak  O.S. 
2003 – 2009 
Mr.Chouhan S.S. 
Mr.Panchal D.B. 
2009 – 2012 
Dr. Alandkar N.V. 
Mr. Kamble A.B. 
2012 -2015 
Mr. Kamble A.B.  
Ms. Mane R.U. 
2015 – 2018 
Dr.Kadam S.A. 
Mrs. Vanshette S.S. 
2019 to 2022
Mr. Mokhede Y.G 
Mr. Ingole D.D.
2022 to till date 
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